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Wrongs & Iniquities Made Right Through Repentance and Temperance.

I was so wrong

To turn away from Christ in 2013-2014

It seems it's a forbidden number (13)

Though it's holy

So see, I think God chose me to turn away

So I could know when to kneel down and pray

Make war



Know when and who to meet and greet

Make it or break it

I'd know when to give


When to

Take it

Knowing full well that salvation is at stake

Gotta make the right decisions in life

While not letting the Devil Block me from

Knowing wisdom like

Fresh Sage

Clearing the energy


Praying against the magic of a Mage

They say magic is all the rage

Though I gotta say I have been there

On the block

In the hood

You know what I would


Not do

Know how to clear the air with the power of my mind

Without needing to fall back on tools

Stand tall

I was once brought up low

Demons had me on the gallow

Nearly lost my head to pride

Couldn't stay humble knowing what I knew, and then

I was taken aside by an elder

Taught how to be better

Told to fight to get to my target

Fought the Messengers of Satan in the Supernatural

God had my back


Restrategize with

A fortress of solitude

Mind palace

It exists

Yet it doesn't

It's called soundness of mind

Christians don't all have dog tags in this war

Some are undercover, still fighting God's war

It's our war too

And this I know

Christ is the blood in our veins

Up in Heaven, He Sits on the Throne and


In the sinner

The doubter

The atheist

And the guy who thinks he's collecting clout

When really he is in a pout

Advanced age

Sours the milk

But instead, we get water

Turned into wine

Time turns on a dime

And I can say I've been wrong

See, I've been ill

I still take the pill

God's legacy for me

Is it to be safe

Hoping to be coping

In therapeutic ways

Inside the medicine right now


But these are not my ways

Nor God's

You see, he uses the medication to keep me healthy

But eventually, it too sours like milk

Leave it out and see what you get

Mix Pepsi With Milk, and you get


Tell me I'm wrong

I might believe you

Then again, I might just be deceived by you

See so many fakes in this world

If you can do anything, be genuine

Follow the Road of Faith

Clear the energy

Outflow negativity

Feed the good wolf

Take a day off and ask God what he meant when he told


To Repent

Cuz you were likely wrong

Ain't nothing wrong with this putting it into a...



Go long

Collect The Ball

Score one for the team

And tell them all

Who's God got you on...


Better than a red phone to the President or a hotline to

The Prime Minister

You see something sinister about being wrong

Repeating this song

You know right from wrong

And with that, I'm weaning you off this song

See the low-key sign that

I just might leave it be

Just like


Iniquities Made Right Through Repentance and


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