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Worthy Of Love From Either A Princess Warrior Queen Or Manly Knight or King

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay Worthy Of Love

You're worthy of love and everything

You ever wanted

But you know, if it seems like


Check the cranium

Because You can prove yourself

You're capable of love

And leave them all in the dust

To all the rest

Thank you for helping me

Carry this burden on

My Shoulders

Know that I can, with a bit of faith

Move mountains or


Carry the weight of the world

On these little shoulders

I'm a soldier, and so are you, whether you're

A guy or a girl

Warriors of love from all walks of life

Whether you are on one path or another

It does not matter how you apply your knowledge as long as you

Know what is right

In your spiritual heart and fleshly


If you're a man, you've got to be

A Knight

And Shine that Sword Ever So Bright

Keep marching on being a soldier of love even if the world

Closes in on you from all sides

Check the tide

Did a bottle with a message wash up the shore?

For the ones that worship on the side of the Moon

Or Wake up to the Sun

And those that turn to the stars

They have knowledge too

Would you be a saviour or be your own superhero?

What's in it for them, and what's in it for you?

What would be like a bruise if you looked at what your parents tried to choose for you?

Knowing full well, you could heal and love instead with utter




Know and bow or kneel

Honour in the worship of any kind our God Loves Sincerety

Being true to ourselves is a necessity

Yes, God loves to check our hearts and minds, but the heart is deceptive, according to the scriptures.

It can still turn out true to itself as long as

You choose what you think is best

Knowing what makes you tick helps you pick

Choose and see what you need in your head

What feels right to you? Not what your parents told you

Not what your school schooled you in

What you learned at the sandbox with your new friend

Love and how to be on the mend

Though this life is not completely, all pretend

We can imagine a better world if only we would heal

And Love those around us with the same amount of zeal

As we put into our minds wisdom and certain adult or child-like appeals

Electric like eels but without the bitter shock

Love feels electric and even eclectic, holding too many routes

Love does not need to be free of preference or completely closed off, but respect is the ultimate

On this Valentine's Day of 2024, when our hearts can be impure or full of demons or monsters

We can become what we see and see what we become

Knowing the heart can grow numb, opening up with the word 'open' and calling ourselves worthy can help.

Make the most magical and mystical unseen mystery unfold before your

Very Eye(s)

Know that Love is neither Unwise Or Wise, but it's the journey that can be a huge surprise to something better.

Or Perhaps familiar or similar to something desirable Or Optimistically Super

Love is the prism, magic is the mirror, and energy exchange can be real. Know how much love makes you feel, whether unrequited or completely exchanged and know it's worth it; to fight for it or learn where you can find your share.

Of this magic that even the Evil One dares to have, not knowing its source or mysteries galore

You see, perhaps he or she's hurting so bad that he or she doesn't know he needs you, the source.

Love goes both ways, but sometimes

One is the source

Or perhaps one is the mirror on the source

But of course

You must know this discourse

Love is more than yet, never less than

Perfection In Imperfection

The symmetry and geometry of

The Flower Of Life

And To Live Without Strife

Confidence In Life

Whether you are down low Or High Above

Live your life Full Of Love

Whether you have a Husband or a Wife

Life has more to offer than just the typical nice

Sometimes, difficult times, too

That is why so many warriors sometimes don't make it out of those not good to them cuz they see something.

In the mirror

I tell you now, it's your love for yourself, the stuff you've been starving yourself and putting on the shelf.

Expecting it from somebody else

Love is a choice

The format is sometimes even your voice

Keep fighting Warrior

Never Give Up


Give Love

Have compassion

Take your time

Love is the wine

You are divine as the vine

I know you, too, will fight within time!

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