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Unsung Heroes Like Shooting Stars And Wishing Wells

Photo by abigail low on Unsplash (Nathan Wagner Heroes) Inspired by the above song ^^ The Heroes

Unsung Shooting


Got the mic drop on these bars

Got to reach for the places far

And Near to me

Playing Monopoly

With Assets worth more than me

The stuff of dust

Yet of star stuff

Got's Us all Tumbling over

Hoping for Heroes


We're all dying stars

On this Planet of Earth

Grounded to certain Defeat

We'll go out too

To be reborn once more

First of the spirit this Earth; with her name.

Will be written all over the ones calling themselves

The Sons and Daughters of God

Gospel of Peace

Shod the Light

With a vice

Gripping tight

Onto the catchphrase

John 3:16

For God So Loved the world...

That He Gave his only Begotten Son...

That Whosoever Shall

Believeth(Faith is a Key) in him

Shall not perish (die in spirit)

But shall have everlasting Life

The earth shall cry out with birthing pains

To the Elohim

To the Saint

The Gentile

The Jew

The Palestinian

We'll all judge each other

Will we forgive?

Build again

To survive this wretched pile of dirt.


Oh Luna

Shine upon the Sun's Son

Son of the Burning Sun

God's glory incarnate is as powerful and blinding as the corona of the ball of gas that gives us Life.

Strife retreat and perish with a meditation of greatness.

Who put conditions on peace but the bandits?

Who can say it's one another or one side?

Are both responsible for their standards?

To the Jew, I say the messiah is within us all.

To the Gentile, I say, Pick up your Cross Once More; take his yolk and walk in his shoes.

You'll see that nothing pales in comparison more than...

A fallen Hero is unable to support whom he loves.

A child going hungry because we are set upon with desires of snacks and food into empires pleasures of the centre.

Fortress of pleasures

You see, we entertain the 7 Deadly Sins

Gula (gluttony): I am guilty

Luxuria/Fornicatio (lust, fornication) I am guilty

Avaritia (greed): I am guilty

Tristitia (sorrow/despair/despondency) I am guilty

Ira (wrath) Very guilty

Acedia (sloth) I can be

Vanagloria (vain, glory) Glory is only holy when God is given; otherwise, it is vain in the energy exchange system.

If you are Elohim's elect, then there are allowances. All glory must return to God as the source.

Superbia (pride, hubris) > Ah yes, when the going gets good, we become marred into a shroud of other things like pride. We get full of ourselves and think our job is the only good out there.

So many on this Planet but the question is to get there? What kind of pain will you endure?

This Planet is a Rose; fertilized by the bees we nearly made extinct from our other deadly sins.

Men are to be cherished as much as love is felt from a rose.

Women are to be respected even if they fall short too; afterall, they are human like Men.

Teach them to count to ten; gather their wishes at the well.

Take them to a state of being well within that bag of coins given to the wishing well.

It is not mere luck but blessings invested; I am hoping and praying for a miracle to be given, not best tested.

You see, I see you as being like me.

Lost and forgotten

Invisible and like Jesus spat on along the way to Calvary.

You see, we pick up our crosses.

Calling all Heroes




Diamond Cutters


Ensigns and Commanders

You see, we blend in like salamanders

Empathy like a mother Lion

Cunning like a Dragon

Without the negativity or understanding that we are all just...

Monsters inside

Waiting to come out and be rendered slain by a Hero.


We are the Heroes, Creatures and Teachers of all time.

You see, this world is united against the forces that come to destroy it.

And We will not stop until Peace on Earth is brought.

Heaven Come Down and Jesus Talk.

Talking about Jesus, perhaps he's the guy who's seen a lot more than I can comprehend.

What's more about being a Christian since...1991,

Just a toddler and three.

Is the wisdom in that three

Wise men tell all tales

Wiser still men keep some secrets

Decode you must do and figure out the truth by

Asking questions and being engaged.

In love, heroes become bred

Under the banner of Christ's Blood That was Shed

Calling down Angels and Hosts ever still

Perhaps it's time to send me the bill

Although sentimental, it is silly still.

That I would think I could keep the lord of Hosts as a guest one day

Into my heart, I'd thought of this to pray...

"Please come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and please help me love you always."

With that being said, it's an example that is needed and quite ample.

Can not remember when I met an elephant that forgot its nose. It seems all it's got.

Hopefully, it's something innocent that you thought.

Calling all Angels, Elohim, Angels, Saints.

The Armageddon Horns have long ago sounded within another time.

You see, we are all called to warfare. Engage discussion; engage tactic rollout.

Remember the musket

Reload from a line and take action against any armed, threatening individual.

Peace is my portion forever, for I know God, and he knows me.

Remember if you ever took a shot from a bully or said you're the black sheep to get yourself the target to deal with the problem.

Get close; embrace, read, and debase their need for violence.

Keep them in a close embrace.

Guard your energy and your space!

Leave them after the chase; Fox says Eh?

Walks away and nearly says erase

The ways of the chase


Scream Jesus's Name

Living is where he wants us

To be there for his return.

What if I were to tell you that the stadium

It is not just to be filled

Though with heroes both sung and unsung

Remember, you're terrific whether or not you are a sign like

A Star

or Not.

I will remember you intended to shine as you...


Shine; hero, heroine.

Shine.. afterall

The hero in you is telling the hero in me...

Rise up

Take back all that is God's

Let the elite have their pennies and dimes

When our spirits rise past the pollution and conditioning

Bunkers will make for stress most will be unable to cope with.

Nothing wrong with preparing

Just know Jesus in her; he shows. She shines and glows even though she knows better.

God is giving us all the blow-by-blows until the next time it snows.

Clean slate.

Here's Heaven

As we fight at the gates. Remember those who are irate at the gate.

Heroes gather around the fire...

Study each different reaction.

Put it into a database of mass e-mail traction.

Share this post and comment if you dare.

Hero, we all are in due timing. Pull up a chair :).

Giving you tea to handle at first; is that fair?

We have news that doesn't want to be news

Fake news that wants to fulfill news jobs

And genuine information is put away for good.

The heroes of Peace and Jesus, add this poem to your bookmarks like peanut butter jam :)

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