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Those who love us and trust us *Project Tempest Poem*

A poem about those whom we love wishing & trying to be with them and hoping they were truly blessed

Those who love us and trust us

Those who love us

Trust us

Take the rust off of us

Love us

Takes us to

Toys Are us

Though we realize

Some of us are larger

Than life

Action Figurines

Trust us

We love us

Love you

And us

Then how come our actions don't meet our words

What situation could be so absurd that the word was not


Fly to return to the arms

Of your loved one

Like a Raven

To it's nest

Kept up to date

And Abrest

With all the rest

That would say love is not

A test

F for real

L ife

L oss

E ternity

N o to peer pressure

C cause

E ffect

Affluence in all of it's fine wine

Tasting time

Wonder what will happen at 9

Mere bedtime?

Or the start of something beautiful

Such as a day recharged and enlarged into

A new dawn rewound and spun

So you can get more time awake in the sun

Every summer

Look out for that gas-guzzling hummer

Global issues

Got us worrying without the tissues

To wipe the tears away

But love is

The test

Of Something real

And although you may feel inadequate

I pray you find the lover who can fill in the gaps

Teach you to enjoy the occasional nap

Be at peace with being at ease

Knowing you have no one to


Do as you will &

Will As You do

Speak into existence someone with

Empathy not entirely completely but with at least

A hint of blue

So the whole world can take on the hue

Of the sky

Fly Free like the bird being the word

Freedom Reigns

Where Christ is

And I will fight in the spiritual Where no one knows I am

Not just completely NOT Imperial

But perhaps just a wee bit like the rest of us and a little material

Nothing wrong with blessings

But hold on to love above all else and keep on your gloves

In the cold of wintertime

No need to text in negative sixty if there is trust between us

'Cuz we'll be timing our entrances with rough educated estimates


Total surprise

Will see each other into our eyes

They love us and trust us within

One another

One and One Makes

Us Two

One pair of true blue.

Freedom Reigns With The Pair Two With speed like a Hare wisdom like a Turtle matured past teenage years With all of the wise young adult years

No matter what age Pump Past your Fears

Live today like everything is on the table including the hate and presecution of others against you

They do not know Words Cut Like Butter but the Word of God is Eternal and so it is written...

Genesis 2:18 (Excerpt) " “It is not good that the man should be alone"

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