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The Stormy Spire Of Lightning Rods - Rough Draft.

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Lightning Grounded by a Spire or Lightning Rod
Lighting to rod

Photo by NOAA on Unsplash The Stormy Spire Once Sat upon the pire

Where the lightning rod once grounded it

Chaos Surrounded it

Separated by hate and vitriol

Some kind of unquenchable pain that even

Castor Oil

Couldn't Quench


Wasn't it organic?

Could cure the pain of all the ones lost

In the Titanic

Was once a romantic

But the lightning rod got overloaded

Was operating at Automatic


Semi no

but fully




Completely downwards laden drained



Then Lightning rod exploded

See I thought their power was unlimited due to their



Six pack of 0.005% beer for a man of less endearment



Dental Floss

Side to side and

All that

Couldn't dance joy if my bones went limp

Sipping on Coconut milk like

An average Chimp

With the intelligence of the brain of


Dancing for survival

Hoping to escape this storm

Lightning rod by the storm

Grounded us into the norm

But wasn't born into this completely not forlorn

Sought after a lightning rod

Overloaded her so now lightning attracts

This Eagle Going to Possibly Crash

Or Rise above

Where the spire meets the lightning

The Lightning Rod is either remade or made a new

Anything broken can be repaired

Or even substituted for something working

But nothing is ever the same

And for that a man can burry his head in shame

Never enough to quite keep one maintained

Goes through one like the hairs

On a Lion's Mane

Alpha is not a title

It is a sign of going through the angels and finding one

To endure

The allure of strength

Don't know what lengths it takes

Sirens to the call of a King

Lightning rods all round

Power to the Patriarch Supporting his Matriarch

Arch of power, and... hopefully


Cost of what spire of lightning rods; Legions of Angels

Unforetold costs on either side.

Weaker men and stronger still for knowing what to instill

Misdirected distracted by the call for help

Energy Power Love

Peace in the sign of many doves

Please chase the crows away

Attracting deaths decay

Into what come what may

The lightning striking those waiting for the end

Eternal Life in the Dove

Peace from above

For every burnt out lightning rod that's had enough

Get restored soul to higher self and then physical body

Tardy for class but learning loads

Undesired witches turning men into toads

Humbling men though paying the ultimate cost of salvation

Testing the limits of manly intuition

Would your patience last a day if all your toys


And Friends waned away?

Be it all alone or come what may

Lightning rod ground me cuz I can't take your power like you do

Please be everything you need to be to be you.

If I don't see you

Perhaps I fell from high above trying to stay above the storm without anyone

To bring me back to the ground

To kiss the sweet grass and hear the sound

Of cleansing sage being sacrificed

To suffice a spiritual man perhaps considered a mere mice

Vermin initially


to the


Above the storm

Bit overworn


Lightning rods of the spire

Work to conspire

Something Good and Desired

Thank you; lightning rods


And Storms

For teaching us our limits

Peace reigned in doves chasing the monsters away

Peace wherever I lay blue skies


At the


Of Lightning Rods I do not even deserve to


Knights of God under unholy fire for hoping to put out a fire wished to rescue the healers of many

At the expense of the individual healer sheperd boy

Preacher Teacher

Of Mice, Men, Lightning Rods and Groups of Grounders attached to the hub of a spire

Shining with ultimate loving desire

Not lust

But Spiritual Fire


Your Lightning Rod


In reverse

Opposite Of Grounding Rod

Peacemaker with the gospel of God.

John 3:16

2nd Timothy 1:7

Despite whatever happened in my mind

I don't mind losing my mind

Who can gain the world but lose their soul?

To Live is Christ

I choose to Live

Die later I can still gain

Living a full life is encouraged when so many

Are Discouraged


Be a Lightning rod and ground your loved one to reality

Can be a man a woman or one or the other or both

Just encourage eachother to rise above the storm

Even if you part ways

Please be the one that prays

Even whent he world threatens to execute you becaue the world's powers they want nothing but hate and brokenness for you

Partial lies are full lies

Negative and Positive

Still a Negative

Two Positives

Dangerous Explosion

Of Grounded Implosion

Internal Explosion

Spiritual Exposition

Gospel the mission

Carry your cross

Ground at any cost to reach the lost.

Down at the pier where the spire lay

Give your life to Jesus today?

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