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Storms And Rainspouts ^_^

Updated: Nov 4, 2023

Hand in black and white holding water collecting from rain
Rainspouts and Raindrops

Photo by Geetanjal Khanna on Unsplash Storms And Rainspouts

Bring the storm

Bring the rain

Pouring droplets of pain

Bring the ashes

Bring the pain

Please relieve my basic and advanced pains

Please give me relief from

My Grief

I was once a fighter

Now I think I'd like to help someone by borrowing them a lighter

But the demand is high

The gas no one can deny

Is in short supply

Got no fuel in my lamp

But waiting as one of the lamps of the church

How Can I shine? If I Don't have a rainspout

To clease this drought and re route

The rain drops of regret and my emotional pout

You know this pain this liquid rain

Goes both ways towards the drain

Left side

Right Side

Left Side

Right Side



All Ways

The rain drains to the bottom into the yard

On the soil or outside the soil depending on the setup

One can either water plants with water or store it away in a rain drum

In the rain drum though the process to purify this water through

Hellfire or worse yet

Dump the excess for the grass

But no one looking for anyone to say they got more of a rainspout than anyone else

Everyone relieves stress differently

Something is real when it sugar

When it sweetener it is artificial


The sword that strikes at intentions without back ground or asking the questions down on the ground

Drain these thoughts with the downpour of the raindrop's spout water off the chest water off the clothing walk uprightly knowing

You kept your family dry

Even though you were somewhere asking why

They figured you were crazy for whatever reason

Real people attract to lamps, rain spouts and rain barrels

In the middle of the storm these things dissapear fast.

Trust in God today Do not worry cast your cares on him God the Father knows

Will deliver you from all blows

Let the tears fall with the water into the rainspout for as long as they serve a purpose and do not break you completely.

"Be water "like what Bruce Lee Says < quoted.

"Be a rainspout!" - Josh H.

Be both the water that flows and ebbs throught he rainspout - Mission Impossible :)

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