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Seven Oaks (Blog Poem by Joshua Hitching)

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash Poem by Joshua Hitching Seven Oaks

Seven Pine

Seven Limes

Seven Enemies

Seven Apple Trees

Seven Stir-fries

Seven Eggplants

Oh Please!

You Totally Didn't see that

Seven times Seven is

Seventy times Seven Seven

Seven Seven Seven

A Lucky Charm

Sound the alarm



A war against the spirits

Familiar embrace

Some of us have tried everything

So even the familiar is told to us it is evil

But what if that's the devil saying stay away now

Lose your blessing now

Countdown until Sunrise

Stay apprised

Know this is a word to the wise

Seven Is Sacred

The Seven Dwarves

Personalities upon drawers

Socks for stuffing gifts and candies and neccecitites in

the Mind of the Sick

We're just all counting the level of ick

Until We Truly Act in Love for our future generations

Until we truly care about how we treat the planet to be fair

Seven Lives Is what the Righteous Will always have

Word to the unwise

You can attempt to silence this voice all you want

But I know what I can't and won't

Put up with

Is some bully shoving their weight around, telling me they


When all they know and should know is that they know nothing

The Honourable, genuinely say this with sincerity...

Are the ones with true love

Too often, we have to put on the gloves

Get ready for the ugly embrace

Hugging it away is the only way to erase this pain

From even the beautiful's heart

In the words of this poet, do not let anyone...

Walk over you

Seven times the righteous shall fall

But stand very tall

Cuz This Wall called Jericho's

It is about to fall

Cuz Joshua exists in all of us

We are stopping time, not realizing we have lost our traditions

For cheap intuitions

Which may or may not guarantee

Our kind of cup of tea

You see

Seven times, I may fall

Seven times will I get back up

And when I've had enough...

I'll look for good within the bad times and remember...

I carried myself as long as I could

Along this

Golden Road

Of Regrets

Seven Times, I said I wouldn't

Seven Times, I said I couldn't

Seven Times, I said No

Yet I somehow kept on going until this point

You see, I was weighed down by not just the state of the world affairs

My Mom, when I was a boy, stroked my hair

She had words of wisdom and care

"Joshua, Remember these moments to treasure because for all the world's pleasures... you'll always be my little boy. Nothing will ever change that."

Yet life took it's wheels and

Things Changed

But in my heart, I knew and know I was always Loved

Openly, I'll say

My Mom's dedication to God was unwavering, no matter how much trash they talked about her for her slips.

My Father's dedication to God was unwavering. No matter how much he wanted to give up and quit, he found that unwavering spirit within his true British Gritt.

With that, I gotta call this poem quits

Leave a righteous, refreshing spit on the ground

Let the mic drop on the grass

And tell you that, not always is that ass an ass.

Sometimes, we're just broken

Sometimes, we just feel like a trophy token

Seven times I'm going to tell you this poem will end, but heck

I'm going to quit now while I'm ahead

Just let me go to bed

The end :)

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