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Masquerade Inspired By CastingCrowns Masquerade Reimagined

Below is a poem by Joshua Hitching regarding a guest he let stay over for 2 months when kindness was only on his heart and he got taken advantage of by someone smart in the art of seduction that didn't work but was cleverly devised to make someone like the author not wise or wealthy or secure in enterprise. The image Represents the Church's Teardrops and Jesus's Sacrifice to bring joy and Light in Darkness felt in every darkest night.

Photo by John Karlo Mendoza on Unsplash Plastic People

With Paper Cuts

And Cuts from Rice

The Abundance of bread is the price

Of us acting nice

When Kindness is the absence of nice

And what is Just and Right

Jesus Paid the Price

To Everyone With The Grains

Of Their Mind Firing

Into Rewind

Trying to have a do-over

When we never needed a makeover

But to see ourselves with new eyes

Into new windows

Not the kind that crashes

Or breaks

Or is patented by chance

The kind that is free for all to use

The Glass that hides behind a mirror makes it brand


New Even For If but anyone Gentile or Jew

The Law is not what sustains us

Grace is

So how can we say presumptuously we can all manage to pay the price

Of Sin's Many Grains Of Rice

On our Mind

Playing Rewind

On the Devil's Telly

Though he doesn't Tell what's on his mind

Even to God

Though God Knows Every Blemish and what is on the heart

Of Even the devil smoking his dart

So how are we to know what is on everyone's heart?

When We Don't even know we are supposed to be

Set apart

And That my Kind Friends Allies and People

What is the new art

Love in all it's fashion

For Our Neighbor


And Everyone in between

Make no mistake between you me and the unseen

Patronizing the Enemy is not what I mean

Though Having Discussion


And Intellectual Back and


Into New Worlds Of Understanding

And Standing One's Ground on our love for Jesus

Because God is Love and Love is God

But how can we know where shone the light?

Except in the darkness of night

One day everything will be so bright

No Darkness in any corner in sight

And that will be the day...

We have reached Heaven even for a day at a new height.

Take no fright

Sleep well at night

Heaven's army is in sight

It's just you and me God tonight!

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