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Let Love Be The Needle's Eye

Chasing After Love; Soldiers & Chosen One's Love The Battlefield how to make it last? Read more...

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash Let Love Be the Needle's Eye

Let love be the Needle's Eye

The Needle's Eye Of Seeing

The Needle's Eye Of Knowing

The Needle's Eye Of Yearning

All I see is






And Blue Skies

With some Clouds

Sometimes it's a horse

Or perhaps a Hand

God's the artist

And you might get mad

But you know Love is the Culprit

It may be worth it to reflect overnight

Wake in the morning

Love each waning thought with


And even Divine Intervention

The best enemy prevention from...

Seeing the enemy surround

the pen

Or the babies' safe haven

Where not allowed is the raven

Goal Heaven on Earth

Mother's bottles

In her purse

Lift the curse

Pray the prayer

Of the Lord's

Knowing full well

The Spirit Fights with words

As swords

these traps

the enemy devises

See how the King surmises

Victory on every cloaked device

Men of mice

In every crevice

Fighting for love

To become Lions in their own right

For Love is something nearly out of sight

But rekindle the fire

Refiners Fire

Into the Lyre

These words do I desire

The Love I Can Feel

Keeps me light on my heel





To be that way

When awkward is all that is in the way

When do two souls meet somewhere in the fray

And decide today they will do what they may

To be inside of the confines of today



Nine lives


In the wind

Across the horizon

Miraculous version



Wisdom comes to both

So look to the south

Then up to the north

Finally from the West

To the East

Rinse repeat

Love and eat


Finally, in this rest do I lay


Will I go through tomorrow's Tempest

Will I take tomorrow's test?

Prove me through love's nest

Whether I get to be with all the rest

In the sky

Shining as the star you wish to see

But know I only burn for you Wise 1-One.

Two of us

The enemy is done.

Signed; your chosen one.

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