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I question (Love, Friendship, Jubiliance)

Once I Looked

Once I Danced

Once I Celebrated

Once I gave myself a fighting chance

Once I gave life a first glance

I found myself

In error

In a different light

Now I can see

Now I can hear

Now I can feel

Now I can smell

Now I sense





Because I found you.

Because you opened me up.

We met.

When you called my name

When I fought on your side

I sensed a mutual pride

In a tide of events


Presented Itself

Shall we go on?

Shall it go on the shelf?

Shall we

Go on

About it

In Stealth?

Shall we admit our understanding

Let bygones be bygones

Will we join

Will we be part of an alliance?

An everlasting alliance.

A powerful opponent to all

A friendship.

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