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Heart Sunk Splish Splash Dunked

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash Heart sunk

Ship Sunk

Ship Dunk

Life is like this punked-out

Blinked a little

Let life flash before my eyes

Then that's when God showed the world the tears of


Millennial Generations

From epoch to epoch

Silent Generation To Silent Generation

We scream for the lost generation

Incredible agony

In antogony

Could Swear an oath to

Healing and Rebirth

What is it worth?

Wishing I knew where to find my way to leave


Find a Home where I belong

But you know, my heart sunk

Love like battleships they say

I agree

Love is definitely a battlefield of...



Love beyond the rocks

Where Ocean Waves Make

Bed Rocks

Where we originated from cave to cave

Communes more humble than castles and palaces

I'd like to stay humble

So I could one day mumble

To my enemy

They're done and I wish

That they knew that but likely

They hear my voice and it's like the

The squeak of a mouse

Because Heart Sunk...

Feel a bit like a monk

Heart of a Lion

Courage on the drip-drop



Comes hits hard

When not bearing the cross of carrying

This weight of the world on my shoulders

I can save as I am a Savior; mini-Jesus as I am his Son

A son of God

Gospel of Peace

Shod on

Lightbulb burning bright

Through the night

High up like a kite

What fright at the might

Of the Wind

Where It blows on my ever-sensitive emotions

Some say I'm overdone

Others say I'm not quite there

Do or dare

It seems to fare

Well When I Stare In All Directions

Is he High from something?

Or Did he see something?

What is this Heart Sunk Ship Dunk


And What about it?

Am I Off My Rocker?

Perhaps So Perhaps So

Eyes Caught in the Headlight Looking Towards the Light

oh deer

please don't jeer

Heart Sunk Ship Dunk

Cookie from your browser

Acting like a villain and like...



Heart Sunk From The Conflict

Of Love Warfare and being an emotional Convict

Ship Dunked As If It Were Easter Chocolate

That's life, my friends...

Delicious Land ahoy

Oh Joy Heart Jumping Jelly Beans

Ship rise with Sunrise

Be Delightful as you rise

Oh Wise

Oh Wish-bone

Oh Clover

Move on past Dover

With your mower


Of Love

Peace from Above

Tranquil as Two Doves should be

Love heals all wounds via time and space

And the ultimate adrenaline race

Ship Sunk Love is a game of battleships

Love Like A Creator & Destroyer

One and the same

Make, break and take what you need

For Your Heartache

Slam Dunk... in the hoop

And Loop

Ship... Completely

Sunk. -Joshua Jay Hitching.

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