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God Of The Hills and Valley (Quick to Mercy and Peace) (Part Of The Diamond Webrunner book found on Amazon)

Photo by JOHN TOWNER on Unsplash

God Of The Hills And Valleys

Oh My God, I cry

Upon the very night sky

That I want to dream again

Of daffodils and dandelions


And Roses too


Do I cry for but the God of hills and Valleys

You are mine, shepherd. I shall not want

And like a lamb, the devil I do taunt

For the demons, do they know they haunt me so

Plant a seed and watch it grow

Reap what you sow

Knowledge is what you see that you let go to fill

Your cup again

To Grow




Catch the train of all the pain I ever had

Knowing I am not alone via this landline phone

Fill your Prescience through prayer

In Prescience, we learn the Earth groans, giving birth to all things on both sides of the fence, and like a woman, she groans in childbirth. She moans

"NO more pain, no more war."

"Like an Eagle, I wish to soar, not grow weary and fill this hole in my wing that tore upon the anti-aircraft flack of a man named Jack."

So 1,2,3,4,5,6, pick up sticks and hope you see three rather than 2 of the holy number marking the beast and its blunder

789 Reload

Gunpowder load

Bullets blown out

The spout

Don't cry, don't pout

Get the heck out and fight the war soldier

Sacrifice your life, soldier

Cowards aren't made of peace and love

And that's the lie we sell, saying we gave you rest from the dove

Except she's really a pelican with a message of pestilence pollution, and more war

Like an eagle, young Christian, you will soar

Upon the hills and valleys

taking down numbers in stats and tallies

Keeping score until the ultimate Armageddon www at


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