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Donation Link & Foreword to why you should donate.

Updated: Nov 26, 2023


...perhaps you've read some poetry perhaps you can't help that's okay! Just reading and sharing my work you're helping me out somehow.

However, if you can help and only help if you really like my work or were touched by it, please. Could you help out monetarily? I hate money sometimes myself but I see the need for it.

I'm hoping to grow my craft and do more but I need help affording coffee, and energy providing nutrients and while I am on a disability currently it's not enough to thrive by any means.

Whatever you donate know that it is appreciated! $1 or more great golly you're valued whether you donate or not know you're infinitely loved by God but I can't do this without YOU :) ! Yes you! Please help me spread faith and love across the internets in a world where darkness is gaining ground. In Jesus name bless you...

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