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Coffee & Caffeine - Poem

Coffee & Caffeine

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay






from withdrawal

Coffee to cure the headache



Stuff of stars and such

Energy and more


Within the barn of power

Mower collects grass

Sweet as you all


Unto the garden roses

so red

so yellow

so white

so hot pink

Smells so amazing tops the morning's coffee

When fresh

Than all the rest of yesterday's regrets

Tell them you love them for you know not

When you meet them next

One afterlife to another

One situation from another man's mother

Calling and asking why

Dare men to cry

Because the why

Is in the coffee that wakes them

In the air of pollution that bakes them

Women cry too in private about boo

Then when smell the alertness in our assertiveness

Cry wolf both sides do

Ruining the brew

Of Today's Issues

Put them Askew

Think of each day as tomorrow

Day Dawned Anew

Love rekindles between the Wise Ones

And the lovers of warriors of spiritual


Or Faith based natures

Will dawn upon the idea that we are all bags of skin and


Please go to work dressed up best you can

Because that is what its like being a man

And even if, you're skinny;

average or short or tall wide or stubby Chubby or a worn out hubby

You're loved by mother Earth

Nature's loving belt of truth

Is that we all have a part to play in this cycle

Of nature's unicycle

Balance is key

And you know from the knowledge of me?

Coffee is the key

To forming a bond between two who's cycles would never unite normally unless kept up

Past midnight sometimes

And then back to normal schedules

Or perhaps one keeps guard with extra energy in their life's

One Crystal Rose Quartz Shard

Let evil get disbarred from the rest of the universe

Smell then drink the coffee

Get your backpack and remember

The trail is just beginning on the journey

Hyped up on Caffeine and alertness

Writing this in relaxed versions of duress

Because this is completely a stress test of caffeine's dysfunctional mess

Balance is key

Communication is key

Prayer is a key

Love is a key

Presence is key

Be presence in the present learn from the past

Love past the past into the presents future's mast of looking for love that is home

Never always give in but don't expect

Just have respect

Love one another even if there's nothing in the teapot

For anyone to collect

Were there to be a defect

In the Relationship

Drink Coffee And Love One Another

More than a sister or a brother

More than a Mother or Father

Love eachother like there is no tomorrow every day you have coffee;

A roof

Rent paid

Some food to eat

You are BleSs3d.

From 5d to 3d where real things happen

Loving someone is more magical than all the doom and gloom

Of no Coffee

Oh wait here's a pot

Fill up your cup

Serve sip and enjoy


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